Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of School/Family

For the first time it took me two days to get my back-to-school photos. DD started Wednesday, and DS didn't have to go until Thursday. I didn't like it--it didn't have the same "excitement" for me.

DD on her way to 7th grade:
DS didn't think things were so exciting at 6:20 this morning either. Sullen teenager much? He's starting his sophomore year.
Doggy porn, anyone? Snapped by DH this morning. It's tough to be you, Baxter.


Molly said...

I had a dog that looked so similar to Baxter named Brandywine and she used to sit like that all the time!! She actually would sit on my lap just like a baby every night after dinner! She was a lab/springer/border collie mix. Your Baxter looks just like her.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the first day of school. Although your son is looking less then excited LOL. I bet Baxter was excited to see them come home from their first day.

Sharon said...

Oh I've missed Baxter!

Glad your dd is happy about school. ;)

Anonymous said...

These are great! I love the boken you got in the photo of your Your little doggie is so cute. What kind is he?

April said...

haha..those are great. i love the one of your son. too funny! i love the lighting in the school shots.

Joanne Fowler said...

Beautiful daughter, typical teen, what's up with your dog? lol

Lauren Hartman said...

She is gorgeous and looks so much like you it's uncanny! He reminds me of my DS. Who wants to head to school at 6:20 am?!? And I LOL at your dog :)

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) said...

Okay they don't look to excited to go to school. I have a Soph. this year to. BTW Lucky sits the exact same way.

Anonymous said...

Wow....your DD is just getting prettier with every photo I see of her. Your son looks less than enthused about heading off to Sophomore year. Is he in the sophomore slump already! That lasted for me until Junior year, btw! Who ever said high school was the best time of your life MUST have been on something!

Love doggy porn...can't get enough. Haha.

Reds said...

Your daughter is so pretty!! Your son doesn't look happy to go to school... or not happy to see the camera??!! Love the doggie pic!!

KRISTIE said...

the doggie shot just made be crack up laughing. at least your ds would let you get a picture. school doesn't start unti next week for us

Bobbi said...

Whoa thanks for the doggie porn lol. I needed something to calm me down from all that excitement I was getting from just looking at your sons enthusiasm. That picture cracks me up, I am sure I have looked that way many mornings.

Your daughter is beautiful she looks so much like you!

pat said...

Becky, I LOVE your son's expression--soooo much attitude. Your DD is such a cutie, too. Love the glass studio. Feel like I'm missing a lot!

Amy said...

What a beauty she is, great shot! The one of your ds is so funny, reminds me of my 15 year old nephew! And Baxter is cracking me up too! :)

Rachael said...

Great back to school pictures! Your son definitely looks less than thrilled :) Love the dog picture, too!