Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On the Road

The theme this week is "on the road." Seems appropriate given that my son started driver's ed this week. He'll be on the road with his permit in just a few short weeks.
As parents we're always wishing time would slow down. But sometimes it's like "No, really I mean it!!" This is one of those times for me. He's still my little pumpkin.
Even if he could now squish me like a bug if he wanted to. He doesn't turn 16 until August, though, so I have some time before he can get his license and I have to let him go a little bit more.

Here's another video. It has nothing to do with my post or the theme; I just think it's funny.


Anonymous said...

Wow...that is such a big step. Drivers ed is so dreadfully boring. Its a wonder that anyone learns ANYTHING. I am never letting my girls drive...period! *sigh* Denial anyone?

Vanessa said...

Aww, I don't look forward to that day with my kids!

Reds said...

Love your shot of the pumpkin!! and i can't see your video... only good for people in the US :(

Cindi Koceich said...

Oh...sigh! I know 16 is going to be here before I know it for my three too!!! I will say a prayer for!!! Hugs!

Sharon said...

Aiiiyyyy! My youngest has been talking about getting license for 2 years. He is only 10. I will never be ready.

Angela2932 said...

Make him get lots and lots of practice with you!!!!!! I tell him you've installed a black box in the car to track his speed! In ND, kids can actually get their license at 14! (And we wonder why we have such a small population!)

Lauren Hartman said...

Good luck with the drover's ed thing, hopefully you won't need it *wink* I swear, teaching C to drive was the thing that most tested my parenting skills!

pat said...

Yikes--a huge step into independence! Glad you have several months before he gets his license. And just think--once he can drive, you can send HIM to the store to get those last-minute things, or pick up his sister!!

Bobbi said...

Oh boy I feel for you ;) I hope time goes so slow before my pumpkin is ready to drive. This video didn't load for me but I did watch the other and it was hilarious.

You have to get Flight of the Chonchords from Netflix too btw, I know you would love it.

Melissa said...

I am not looking forward to the day my DD starts driving. I told her maybe when she goes to college she could try for her license LOL!