And I learned two things about the fisheye today: 1) think I figured out why threw in the free lens cleaning kit: dog snot. 2) I will not be buying a true dedicated fisheye lens anytime soon because my house is not clean and uncluttered enough to enjoy many of the shots. That wide angle takes in a lot of stuff!
These are awesome..the dof of field in that last one...wow!
Beautiful! The background colors on the first one are so pretty against the black/white of the bird.
Oh, I LOVE chickadees!! What great shots. I love the bokeh in that first shot--such a wonderful contrast against the little guy. Nice work.
These are great! I don't think I would crop the first one, I can't really see a definite "good" place to crop it. But I am bad at that, lol! The chickadees are just too too cute!
I am with you on the snot... well, I don't get dog snot, I get kid snot. But it sure is a fun lens!
That second one is beautiful! If I were to crop the first, I think I'd take a little off the bottom, and a little off the left, but leave enough so you can see the trunk of the tree and the branch he is perched on.
What a cutie! If I was to crop the first one I would take equal parts off the top and bottom.
he/he...what cute little birdies!
What an adorable bird! I saw these at the park the other day and mistook them for finches..lol!
If I were going to crop #1, I would probably crop the large tree out. I think it looks great just like it is and I love the soft blurry colors in the background.
what a cute little guy! no, i wouldn't crop that first one. there's so much environment going on in it. now, if only i could find a place nearby that chickadees hang so i could do some stalking of my own!
wow he looks so cuddly and real! Great job.
I love stalking the birds here at home and the chickadees are so cute. Great focus
Beautiful I love the dof on these. I don't think I would crop the first one. I like the tree in it.
Oh! Aren't they cute!!! Great shots!
Great capture. I didn't know chickadees were actually birds. I learnt something today. Such clear images!
Oh what a beautiful bird, he looks so happy and fluffy. Great capture of him or her, lol.
Sooooo sweet! :) I love the feel of the background in the first one. I would not crop it, b/c you have framed the little guy in well between the branches, and those young branches help balance that large trunk, which is nice b/c it anchors the photo, allowing you to focus on the chickadee, and you have good placement for him, and a non-distracting background. So that is why I would not crop! :)
Becky...the color and clarity in these is so unreal. I wouldn't crop the first one. You did so great with the focus, it doesn't take away from anything. Just stunning.
What cute little birds. I can't believe you got such a great shot of such a tiny little thing. Nice work.
Chickadees are neat birds. great shots!
These are so pretty! I think i would crop out a little bit from behind the bird. Keeping the bird and the tree in. :)
Ahhhh! Cute little bird!! Crisp and beautiful shots!! Love the colors!
What a pretty little bird!
Perfect depth of field in these! I love the Chickadees!! They are soooo cute!
You chickadee stalker! =) I like the first one uncropped as it is!
Great shots, what a cute little birdie!! I like your clarity here. One the first one I might take out part of the bottom- maybe that would help a little.. its not a bad crop though!
i love the first shot the way it is. i like seeing the bird in its element! lol at your dog snot! i use to have a doberman that drooled! yuck!
these are great! love the dof and the blue sky.
Hey Becky, I think the first one is beautiful as is. The tree adds, rather than pulls the focus away. It seems like the eye goes first to the little chickadee, scans the tree and then is drawn right back to the chickadee. It reminds me of a few of the photos in Bryan Peterson's "Learning to See Creatively" where he shows a few photos with something in the background that ends up helping to "make" the photo. I love it! Funny dog snot comment! Hey Becky, I really value your comments on my photos, and especially about the focus and clarity and sharpness (are those all the same?). That's the part I find most difficult and I look up to you; I think you have an eagle-eye and are funny to boot. I think some of the paperweight problems might be that it's a curved surface (concave or convex; again, a kid would know!) doing something. But I'm sure some of it is me, getting to positions that are often low to the ground, smushing my bifocaled nose and face up to the viewfinder, and trying to set manual focus. Keep telling me what you think, please!
What a cute little birdie, lol at the dog snot.
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