Green schmeen. It snowed all day today :-P It's all white here. I boiled the (white) eggs that we'll dye in the next couple of days. But I guess you can turn anything green in Photoshop.

Not sure this is the photo I want for today but since Blogger won't let me post another, this is it.
I forgot to tell you guys this thing about my phone going off in church. I was telling my DD about it, and she said, "It would have been worse if you swore when it happened." Cracked me up; she knows me so well and knows that's a distinct possibility.
that's fun!!! i've gotta go buy some eggs...:0
don't you just love photoshop??!!!
Love that! Photoshop is the greatest, huh?
AWESOME EGG shots. I like the story about the phone!
fun shot and pping. now you just need some green ham to go with them. haha!
Photoshop is fun, eh? Love the color you chose! I was thinking of green ham too.
That's a fun shot and neat that you were able to color the eggs green in PS! I LOL at the comment by your dd about the phone. :)
Those are the prettiest green eggs i've ever seen. Would go nicely with some ham. Get it? Green eggs and Ham?
And now you know the secret to my "cat's eye" picture! lol! He has green/yellow eyes, I bumped the color up a bit. :)
love the eggs!! i wonder if my son would go for photoshopped eggs?? i really don't fee like making a mess with the dye! great color! and congrats on your stock photography!
Love the "green" eggs... could've fooled me! Your church story cracks me... and your dd definitely has a point! Too funny!
Wow.....I should have dyed my eggs with photoshop...that would have been so much easier.
I love the eggs. We are going to color easter eggs today so I think I will have to get some pictures. Very cool.
Well, at least you didn't dye the SNOW green in photoshop! (I thought about doing that LOL) For here, snow is predicted for 5 of the next 7 days. Feel free to swear on my behalf over THAT one. I like the green you got, and the DOF. When I've tried to adjust my "greens" this week in photoshop, sometimes it just comes out snotty putrid.
LOL! Cheater! Great shot!
great egg shots!
Huh--I can't tell that they've been PS'd and not dyed! Nice work!
These are great "on theme" shots! Very funny church story!
LOL on the phone going off and you swearing. How fun is ps for colors.
That's too fun! Love the effect!
I think that works. Now your making me repeat in my head, "I do not like green eggs and ham. I don't not like them sam I am..." thanks ;)
Photoshop does rock my face off! Love the story about your phoen :)
how cool! You "dyed" them in PS!
You just gave me an idea, now I don't have to look around the house to find green objects! Loved your story , too funny!
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