I always say I don't do people pictures, but I want to get better, so I'd really like CC on this one. One thing I think is that I blew out the right side of his face? The details: shot with my 24-70 lens at 70mm. Custom white balance, ISO 400, F3.5 and SS1/100 (although I took it in P mode so I didn't do the work of setting the f-stop or shutter speed). This was a shot of him sitting on DH's lap that I cropped. I can't remember exactly what PP I did on it now, but I did use an eye pop technique I learned in a tutorial.

How fun...he sure is cute!
What a sweet moment of snuggling with you and your precious little nephew. I love it!
He's a doll, look at those lips!
Hmmm, it does look a little blown on the right side, but not too bad. Where did you focus?
What a cutie pie! I just love those chubby cheeks.
he looks like a great bundle of love. so cuddly. as far as "blowing" the skin on his face-did you shoot in RAW? if so, you can always save it.
Oh, what a sweet baby! I'm no help for your resizing question, but yes, I also think it's maybe a little big since you have to scroll, but it's great for seeing the detail!
What a sweet little baby. Love that shot of you cuddling him. So cute. Love both of these shots. The first one is a little blown out on the right side.... But I kind of like the effect.
He is adorable! What cute cheeks.
These are so cute and so is he! I think these both look really nice. My goal is to get better at people photos too, so I'm no help there. I'm always better with subjects that don't talk, move around, etc.! :)
Oh yeah, to resize in PS. Go to image (across the top bar), image size and then either choose a size in inches, like 4x6. You'll only have to chose one number and it will automatically chose the other as long as you have 'constrain proportions' checked. You can also choose pixel size, I always do that and chose 800 pixels for my longest side letting PS choose the other side. HTH!
He is adorable!
One side of his face is blown a bit but I kind of like the effect it gives.
I am no help with the resizing issue, I always upload through blogger now.
He sure is cute!
What a great picture of you and your nephew - love it!! And he is too cute!!
how fun to meet him! hes' so sweet! love the 2nd one alot!
He is such a cutie.
I love the snuggling picture. The blow out isn't too bad, it still has some detail. Can't wait to see big brother!
What a beautiful baby. Such kissable cheeks
Oh my goodness....what a cutie. I just adore that chubby little face. It always helps me to focus right on eyes when I am doing a facial shot like that.
Aww what a cutie. I love those big brown eyes.
Aww what a cutie. I love those big brown eyes.
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