I've had fun looking through some of my photos from the past year. I'm sick of winter so I'm posting a shot from last summer. A Maine coastal shot for you. This was taken in Belfast.

A photo (or more) a day from me/from Maine. Because it's both. I took the photo, and I'm in Maine. Although sometimes I leave the state, so the photo might not be from Maine. But it's still from me.
Wow, I didn't realize ice could do that!
OH MY HECK!!! poor van...
Wow, that was some nasty ice! Beautiful shot of the boat!
Winter is just wicked this year! Sorry for such a bummer day. Wow, a new thing to put in my worry bag. . . ice flying off cars on the highway! As it is, I won't drive behind pickups piled with God-only-know-what, because who knows whether they tied things down well, or not. (And after one bicycle flew at me, I felt vindicated.) I went to step right into your second photo. How serene!
That must have been a lot of snow on the roof! The boat shot is beautiful.
Wow! That sucks, and the first time it happened.... gosh that is so scarey. Great shots, love the blue of the water!
Wahahaha! I LOVE the windshield shot, AND the explanation. And your Maine shot makes me want to hop a plane there this summer. It is beautiful; wonderful colors!
Great windshield shot....sorry about the mishap! I do think it would make a good texture, though! And I love that boat shot. Beautiful!
Oh man that stinks! I bet your DH is ready for summer too! Sheesh. I hope you do go to Chicago!! You've got such a lively whit!
That sucks. I hate when that happens. We were driving to AZ one time and ds feel asleep and stuck his foot through the windshield. Yes I love you and want you to go. I am pretty sure I am going and thought you would be a riot to meet and spend time with. We are just sittin aroung waiting to see where dh job is next. Since the economy slow down the golf business has also slowed down. he has been home for 6 very long months and he is driving me nuts. The only jobs right now are all over seas. We will hopfully know soon.
Whoa. He laughed? Well, that's a good attitude. So glad he's ok!!
OMG that sucks about the windshield!
Oh man, that stinks!! Wow. Lovely boat photo, makes me think of Summer!!
Yaayy summer! What a beautiful shot!
What a total crapper! Geesh! I do retarded stuff like that all the time.
Gosh...I miss summer days on the ocean and eating seafood on a warm afternoon. Beautiful shot. The colors are totally fantastic.
oh man..that sucks! hope you guys have better luck in the winter. that second one is an awesome picture. i love it.
I think that first one is a neat picture and it probably would make a great texture. I'm sure your husband is still kicking himself over that one.
That is so something I would do. I make stupid mistakes all the time. Too funny. I hope he was a good sport about it.
Wow - amazing what ice/snow can do! The second shot is beautiful!
Whoa...that is truly a smashed up windshield. I'm glad no one was hurt.
WOW. That is totally something my dh would do. Love Maine, great shot.
oh man!
that! stinks!
Oh I'm sure he will hate this picture but I agree, it would make a great texture. Oh and you are right about the ice through the windshield. We live near an interstate and saw the ice thing happen to a car in front of us. Luckily, we stopped to help the kid and waited with him until the ambulance came. He was lucky though. We found chunks of ice clear in the back of his car.
Oh man! I think it's cool photo of the windshield. And I love the photo of Maine. I am feeling the warm sun and cool breezes.
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