I'm posting super early because of my Blogger problem, which is that it takes a million tries to get one photo up--I keep getting a connection timed out message. Maybe it's just too busy at the time I try to post in the evening. These went up pretty fast.
I love this Peep's crooked eyes (and little "mole" between his eyes.)

Why I'm glad I got the point and shoot to keep in my pocket. Some deer in the neighbor's yard yesterday. Baxter didn't even bother them--because he's too short to see over the snowbank he didn't even notice them.

And this is what the first day of spring in Maine is like. It was 22 degrees today and wicked windy. This is a photo of my cheek after my walk today. Color is SOOC, I just cropped it. There was no way I was showing you the photo of my whole face. And I promise this is my face cheek, not my butt cheek. :-D My butt cheek isn't hairy like this (see the strands of hair on the lower right), although it probably was this red after my cold walk.
Oh your poor cheek! I don't think I want to visit Maine anymore. ;)
lol, those are some fun shots!
You have to love that wind ;)
You are so funny! I love deer, they are absolutely beautiful animals.
ROFLMAO! You are too funny with what you said about the cheek picture!!!! Beautiful deer shot.
love the peeps and that's cold. Your cheek!
That's red, looks like my skin at times:)
Oh, that little peep is so full of character. Too bad it'll loose it's head pretty soon (if not already.)
so funny!!!!
The peep made me laugh! Great shots!
You're so funny! Those are some great shots, I'm glad you had the p&s too so you could share the deer with us! Little Peep is pretty cute!
Mole on the Peep? I'm pretty sure it's a beauty mark!:) Your journaling is always so amusing. BRRR. Must be really cold!
wow look at those deer!! im glad your butt cheek isnt hairy! but im sorry its still so cold!
Oh boy we had lots of snow too on the first weekend of spring. Sob sob. Nice shots. I love the green peep.
You crack me up, wow it looks cold out there. Ilove your poor mis-aligned peep ;)
I always wanted to live in Maine. I think I have changed my mind. LOL Hope you are warm now.
HAHAHAHA...What a total riot. All I can think of now is the Austin Powers movie. (Yeah, I know, I am SO classy).
It was so freezing yesturday. We went to Freeport and I swear I spent more money JUST because I went into every store to get warm.
LOL about your cheek shot. hehe Love that slightly malformed peep.
nice shot of the deer! I have a sis that lives out in ME, and I'd love to visit, but not in winter! I have enough winter her in MN!
the deer are soo COOL!
LOL! YOu absolutely crack me up! fun shots!
Ouch! That is one wind-blasted, cold cheek. Hope spring gets there soon. Love the Peep--the Uneven-eyed Peep, which are somewhat rare. Love the deer too--glad you had that P&S.
LOL!!!!! You're so funny!!!
Love the unique peep!
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