Get ready for photo overload! I just couldn't decide what one to show you. I'll save my horse ones for tomorrow. Photos from our sugar shack visits for Maine Maple Sunday.
Hey, random lady, you made my blog!

You'll see all kind of things used for sap collection, like Gatorade bottles, but I like the traditional buckets:

Maple syrup on snow. You really need that spoon in there for perspective or else it just looks like yellow snow--yuck!

Click on this to see it bigger if you want to know how to operate a sugar shack. I didn't read it.

Probably this is important, though:

And this too:

Here are some taps you might see used:

The good stuff. I liked the colors in this but was bummed it came out blurry.

And these two bummed me out because I forgot to reset my white balance and they look bad in color, but I like them anyway:

And now onto the theme of the week, but with old photos. I feel closest to God among nature. Is there any nature much more beautiful than this?

Taken at the Grand Canyon April 2007.
And now I shall go hug a tree.
P.S. Don't forget Red Sox Opening Day Tuesday 6:05 a.m. Eastern on ESPN2! What, you're not going to get up to watch?
love those colors. and your journaling brings a smile to my face. such great wording. can't wait to see the horses!
Those are great! Looks like a cool place!
I just wanted to say I been looking at your blog after finding it one night. I to am from maine and like photography.
I love looking at your pic.
What fun shots! I love your use of DOF in the syrup bottles shots. And I can definitely see God in the 2nd to last shot- STUNNING!
Love all the colors and seems like a fun place to have at least visited, once ;) Good choice about keeping the spoon in the snow shot, LOL. These are all great :)
What a fun post! Love all these pictures. I hope I can bring my kids to see this process some day!
I love your first one and the faucet! Your DOF in all these photos is fantastic!
Wow, how very interesting!! Love the row of syrup!
Wow. I feel like I've just been on a tour though a syrup "factory." So interesting! I think you captured it very well.
how fuN! we used to make our own maple syrup when we were young, we used to use empty milk jugs nailed to the tree HA~
From one end of the country to the other, nice photos.
Holy cow what a post! I LOVE your journey with the sap and maple syrup. I would love to visit sometime, really looks like something I would enjoy. Oh, and your Grand Canyon shots are inspirational. I'm with you on the whole nature kick too.
These are so interesting, I've never seen a sugar shack before. Love the shot of the syrup bottles.
How neat!
Love all of these, I'm glad you had trouble deciding! My favorites of the syrup ones are the ones where it's in the bottles lined up, I think the ones with the maple leaves on the tags. And gorgeous shot of the Grand Canyon. I've been there three times and each time it just took my breath away, it's truly an amazing work of God.
Great story told here. I love the shots. I've always wondered about Maple Syrup making. Very cool. Like the DOP with the bottles.
It looks like you guys had so much fun. I would take my girls to Maple Sunday but let me tell you, its not like they need any more sugar! And I definitely don't! The grand canyon is so gorgeous too. I sure hope that I get to see it at some point.
Love maple syrup!! Haven't gone to a sugar shack in a while because I love sweets too much!!! ;) And you are right about being closest to God when we are in nature - I feel the same way!! :)
I love that first picture. So beautiful I want to visit. I'm with you on nature and the way it humbles you and brings you closer to God.
Becky--Love the Sugar Shack shots, and especially the Taffy on the Snow, which is what we called it growing up. Brings a whole lot of memories back; I can SMELL the place and the mmmmmm syrup. I agree with you about Nature; where else is His handiwork more evident?
Great photos Becky! You always make me laugh. :-)
I've always been fascinated with the whole process of making maple syrup. That is so cool!
love that first shot! and I thought you werent suppose to eat the yellow snow???? lol..oh and i'm a yankee fan..wouldnt get up that early for them either!!!
We live in the midst of maple syrup country and I love the traditional buckets all over the maple trees as you're driving down the road. Nice shots!
Looks like a nice place to go to. I like the shots of the syrup bottles.
great shots!! Looks like an interesting place!!
those are awesome..thanks for sharing them.
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