Now on to today. I feel like I did the first time I sent my kids to stay at Grammie's house--I had DH drop my camera off to have the sensor cleaned. Sniff. I miss it already. But check this out:
Actually I don't think this properly shows just how much crud was in there. I had been putting off getting it cleaned because I didn't want to be without it, but the cloning out I was having to do was getting very tedious, and then my 70-300 lens started having problems with the autofocus so I decided today was the day. So this week you'll either get photos from my point and shoot or old photos. This photo was from last fall, but I was inspired to share it with you because of Lauren's (MichyM) photos from the graveyard in Hawaii. This is actually one of my favorite shots. I hope it's not disturbing to anyone. I just find the stone beautiful and heartbreaking in its simplicity. And even though I said it's one of my favorites, I still like HHCC because I always want to know how I can do better.
Wow I really like that shot...very interesting!
That shot is very sad, but it's also a really great shot.
OMG that is the most heartbreaking shot. I can't imagine how the people who lose their babies get through it. Little shots like this say so much without making a sound.
I wish I had a little headstone for my Kendall...this inspires me. What a tender shot, full of emotion.
I love the soft focus and angle you took. It's a heartbreaking shot, but you did good.
that shot is so sad but nicely done!
That shot is so touching, I am sure to many people too. Have you thought of trying a b/w conversion. I think b/w really could add to the mood of this photo. Either way it is a great shot.
I see why you love the shot... very sad though! Thanks for lett ing me know about the book. HOpe you can come to chicago!
wow- I'll have to take a shot like that and see how bad mine is. SOrry you'll be without your camera though.
I'm thinkin' I should probably get the sensor cleaned on my D50!!
That is such a touching photo...
Such a simple little stone...yet it has powerful meaning. I think it's a great shot.
Very simple, yet so expressive.
Great shot...very moving...
Wow. That shot is unbelievably beautiful...sad...tender...all at the same time. Thanks for sharing it. Such emotion.
Awww... what a sad and beautiful shot. It really does say so much in that one little word. Sorry about your camera! At least it's an easy fix, I hope you get it back soon though.
That photo is so sad but so beautiful!
I love the Baby stone shot. It says so very much. I lost a 2yo baby brother years ago and his little stone always stirs me so. Hope your camera is back soon. I understand that "empty" feeling.
That is a very cool shot! Very sad, but beautiful!
Im sorry that you have to be without your camera. but im sure you'll have loads of hugs and kisses for it when it comes home!
i really like the shot of the tombstone. great job.
looking forward to seeing more when your camera comes home!
I like the simplicity of the shot, also, and although it's heartbreaking, I think you handle it respectfully. I hope you get your camera back quick! I'd be lost without mine now! But since you have an incredible way with words, maybe some of your pent-up creativity could go toward more writing on your blog till you get it back?????? (But then, again, maybe you could run for office in your little ole town and entertain us with THOSE tales?)
LOVE this shot, so sweet and sad.
I hope you get your camera back soon, I can't imagine being without mine for an extended amount of time. :(
I missed your Orange Daisy post and I just wanted to say here, I LOVE IT!!!! The colors are simply amazing, especially those colors together. Just beautiful.
Becky, I just so your post on another blog about the army guys coming alive!! LOL!! You saw one of my all time favorite Stephen King episodes!
That is so sad :(.. Hey I was going to ask you "how do I know if I need my sensor" cleaned or not?
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