Get ready for photo overload! I just couldn't decide what one to show you. I'll save my horse ones for tomorrow. Photos from our sugar shack visits for Maine Maple Sunday.
Hey, random lady, you made my blog!

You'll see all kind of things used for sap collection, like Gatorade bottles, but I like the traditional buckets:

Maple syrup on snow. You really need that spoon in there for perspective or else it just looks like yellow snow--yuck!

Click on this to see it bigger if you want to know how to operate a sugar shack. I didn't read it.

Probably this is important, though:

And this too:

Here are some taps you might see used:

The good stuff. I liked the colors in this but was bummed it came out blurry.

And these two bummed me out because I forgot to reset my white balance and they look bad in color, but I like them anyway:

And now onto the theme of the week, but with old photos. I feel closest to God among nature. Is there any nature much more beautiful than this?

Taken at the Grand Canyon April 2007.
And now I shall go hug a tree.
P.S. Don't forget Red Sox Opening Day Tuesday 6:05 a.m. Eastern on ESPN2! What, you're not going to get up to watch?