100 mm macro lens at SS1/25 F8.0 ISO 400

I have another question. Back when I got married, most of us got yellow gold engagement and wedding rings, and now most everyone wears white gold or platinum. Do you think yellow gold will come back in style for engagement/wedding rings? Not that I feel the need to "upgrade" or anything (I have my fake-o big rocks for fun), just curious.
And to answer a couple of questions on yesterday's photos, I used a macro lens. And I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the yarn. I started a scarf, but I don't like the width, so I might start over. I like the idea of a baby wrap (Heather said she saw one with this yarn), but I don't know if it would be too itchy or if I have enough yarn for that. But I could do strips or blocks of different colors and sew them together maybe...hmmm. When I have a completed project I'll post a photo.
I really love the color photo! It just seems like a very beautiful, artistic treatment, with the texture, color, and composition. As far as ring style, I'm totally no help; I have a plain gold band, and would rather spend money on a macro lens!
I love that first photo! Wonderful job! I hear about the white gold...I have wanted to switch mine from gold!!
very pretty shots!!!
i have white gold! love IT>
OMG! Your rings are STUNNING! I love both of these shots, I can't pick a fave!
Definately the color. I have the same issues with my rings. All in gold. My jewler says that silver is going to get really expensive soon, so they will go back to gold.
I love both photos very pretty rings. Yes Yellow gold is coming back but it has never looked good with my skin tone.
They are both great but I love that first one.. great job
Oh I really like the second one! I have yellow gold, because dh picked it out and didn't realize I never wear gold because it doesn't go with my skin tone lol.
I would have to say that I like the first photo better...makes the rings stand out more.
i love the first picture..it's gorgeous and i like the texture in the 2nd, i like the rings on the flower but i really like the first one..it looks awesome. I prefer silver or white gold. mine is white gold. but anyway, I feel so honored being your best friend and all. :) I didn't see that till after I left my comment. You crack me up!!
I prefer the color. I have the marqui(sp) ring with gold. Who know if it will come back into style. Mine usually sits in my drawer 95% of the time I am with Angela I would rather buy a lens or something
Those are both really pretty, but I prefer the simplicity of the first photo. It's beautiful!
I like the shot with teh rings and flowers. Very nice.
I was always a big fan of the white gold so that's what I wanted - my husband didn't ask me though!
I LOVE the second one. It's such a "current," hip look IMO. The first one is very clean. But, I *feel* drawn to the softness of the second one. What a great idea! If I ever get a macro lens, I'll have to try that myself. Oh, and I have a gold band too...and yes, platinum/white gold is more "in" these days. My DH chose my ring w/o my help at all, so I wouldn't want to change it b/c it was a gift from him. But, if I had been picking, I'd have gotten white gold :)
Beautiful! I really like the second one. I think the color of gold is a personal preference.
I love both photos, but the simplicity of the first one has to be my favorite. I have a white gold wedding set. I don't like yellow gold at all. Never had. All of my jewelry is wilver, except for my white gold wedding set. I don't know if yellow gold will ever come back "in style". It won't for me (not because of style), but I do see lots of people with yellow gold wedding sets and jewelry
Wow...you got such a clear shot on these! Holy smokes. I am not sure, but I just got my wedding rings about two years ago (even though DH and I have been together for 7 years...hey...its about the marriage right? not the rocks.) and we went with yellow gold. It just looks better on my skin. I do love silver earings though.
I love the second one. I think I might try to do something like that in the awful event that anything ever happens to my rings, I would love a great photo of them. Thanks for the inspiration.
I am no help. I can't decide what shot I like the best. They are both great!
i like them both. the b+w is simple, lets the stones sparkle. the flower shot has a softness to it. nice. as far as yellow gold v. platinum, yellow gold flatters my skin tone so that's what i chose for my rings. after 8 yrs i still love them--and my dh of course! ;-)
Gorgeous photo!! Lovely rings :) I dont think gold goes out of style, but if you wanted white gold I think there is a way to have them dipped. My dhs band is white gold, looks like its starting to turn gold and they just told us to get it re dipped? Just letting you know!
Very beautiful!
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