...but they don't fall down. I had no idea you could balance a soda can like this until DS did it the other day. Apparently if you leave a little liquid in it, you can do this little trick. (I was unable to replicate the effect. ) No camera tilting was employed in the taking of this photograph.
Settings: DRebel XT w/ 24-70mm L lens in manual mode (I dared to try!) at 54 mm SS1/100 F2.8 ISO 800

And in an effort to post a photo actually taken today, even if it's sucky, the following picture. Settings: same lens at 32mm AV mode F2.8 SS 1/6 ISO 400 w/ +2.3 exposure compensation. No camera tilting here either. Baxter likes to lie on the back of the couch with his head hanging off the side, and I lay down on the floor underneath him to get this shot.

And a couple of cropped/burning edges tries on my football photo. I think in the second one the burning looks weird on the top because the sky wasn't uniformly dark to begin with from the light shining on the left-hand side. What do you think of these?

DH wasn't really trying to sabotage me with the goodies yesterday. They were for a client lunch that got canceled so he brought them home for the kids. I just had to accuse him of abuse, because isn't complaining about your husband on the internet the #1 way to strengthen your marriage? :-D
wow! amazing football ones!
Cool can. I like Jones Soda designs. Baxter is a great dog! Love the first one of the football team.
I love that soda can! Your dog is adorable, and of the two football shots, I like the first one better.
Gosh...I just love those football pics. You need to post them in the gallery of 2peas, there are bunches of sports photographers that would love to see them.
I loveeeee jones soda... My fav! tfs.
cool trick with the soda can. Oh Baxter looks so cute
I'm going to have to try tipping my soda cans next time I have one, lOl! Very nice football shots.
Those football photos are amazing!!!! Everything about them! You puppy is so cute...
Maybe if you put a glass next to the can it would emphasize that the camera wasn't tilted. It's a great shot. I didn't know you could do that.
Cool trick with the soda can, I didn't know you could do that. Cute dog too! Those football shots are amazing, I think I like the second one best.
Very cool with the soda can! I also really LOVE the football shots! Too cool
Love the football shots, especially the first one. I have to try that soda can trick
I love them all. such a cute dog.
that soda pic is cool! love your bw on that too! and the last pic is very cool!!!! great tones and colors---wow!
I just love the one soda can...the angle is great. I cannot get enough of those football pics either! I just LOVE THEM.
that football picture is awesome. i love the soda can too. it's so cool that it can do that.
oh i forgot on that sun picture on my blog..i pointed the camera straight at the sun and then I put a new layer with brown color overlay at 100% and it did that to it..it was pretty cool thanks for your comment
Well that is a cool can pic. Never seen that before. I really like your football pictures.
OMG this is an amazing shot to!!
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