The other day I posted about our big ice storm of 1998. I must have brought ice storm mojo down on us, because we had an ice storm yesterday. But there was no property damage or loss of power, so it was just pretty. I got these this morning as the sun started to shine. A horizontal and a vertical shot. CC welcome!

Ice can make beautiful pictures even though it can cause a lot of headache!! Great shots!
I hate ice storms...we never get them here in Chicago and we have had two this year...I love that second photo!
I could go for a good ice storm....especially if I have to put up with this cold weather! These look nice!
wow amazign shots. I hate ice storms but they yield some amazing phot oppurtunities.
OMG, I used to live in Virginia and we got ice storms constantly... Dont miss that one bit. Great pictures.. tfs.
Beautiful photos!
I love these ice pictures....too bad I wasn't into photography when I lived in Minnesota...I would've had plenty of opportunities to capture it..haha...
I love the blue sky in the 1st one..nice!
Cool shots! Glad you got through this storm better than the last one.
I really like the 2nd photo a lot.
Ohhh looks so "cool". I don't know how you can handle it without elec even for a day. It has happened here twice and I freak out and pack the kids and drive to the city for a couple of getaway days.
Those are both really pretty, but I love the sun rays peeking through on the second one!
beautiful shots!
SO beautiful! One of my favorite weather sights is the trees after an ice storm.. tooo pretty! Now driving after one, not so pretty! You did an excellent job in capturing this!
i love the second one..great shots.
I really like the second shot. great photos!
The close-ups are great!
The color on the horizontal is pretty, but I really like the vertical...I can feel that sun trying to peer through.
Well worth the cold fingers. Nice work!
I really love your last shot of the tree. It was a pretty storm. They canceled school, but I think they could have gone where we live!
I really love the composition and the little sunburst in the second photo! Very pretty!!
Beautiful first shot! You did a great job capturing the blue sky.
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