Yet another snowstorm today. I'm not thrilled with either of these shots, but I like the first one better because you can see the snowflakes in the air. First one is F2.8, second is F11 (where my shaky hands came into play again since the focus is bad).

So those were my photos taken today, but what I'd really love is your honest, unbridled, HHCC opinion on these shots:

Thank you so much!
I really can't give any technical advice, but I do like that smoky or foggy effect you captured in the back of the boys.
i love the snow shots...great job capturing the flakes. and your football pics are very nice. love the color, the lighting looks good and their breath in the air is awesome.
I wish I had some CC to give, but I don't. I think they both look really great! The one of the football team makes me tear up just thinking about Yums playing football one day.
I love the snow shots, it gave me a little chioll cause you can sense how chill it is. The color in your other chot is great...
Those football shots are amazing...such great color and the compostion is awesome!!!
OK, Honestly This may hurt a little, but I LOVE THE FOOTBALL SHOTS! It is honestly hard to tell how sharp they are on the computer, but they look awesome to me. Sorry No HHCC!
Those last two shots are AWESOME! It's like something from out of a movie. They are so sharp!
I like the first snow shot better and the first football one too. On the football one, the closer crop works better, putting the focus on the players, in could probably even crop in a little closer. The color is nice and I may burn the edges a bit more to really make the players stand out. Nice job of capturing the moment.
I think you're football pics are the breath in the air. Pretty cool!!
love how you can see their breath. color is great. maybe that would be a neat angle to play with next time(?), even more green space with the players off center?
the football pics are great, I like the first better, probably because the crop is closer. the colors are great! like the snow pics too!
The first snow shot is beautiful, love the snowflakes! I prefer the brighter football picture, I think it is the second one, they're both cool!
Is that their breath in the football shots!? I think they are great!
All these are good, must be pretty cool there or alot of hot Love the colors in the bottom shots.
those are some AWESOME field shots of the football team! really like those!
I think the football shots are so awesome. Look at the steam on their back!
I really love the second one of the first set too. The color just seems to pop out.
Yup..another snow storm. Guess we are up for another one Saturday too. There is green grass under the snow, right?
WOW, those football pics are just awesome... tfs.
Great job!! Agree with the tighter crop and burning that Heather mentioned. Wonder what an angle from being down on the turf yourself would have gotten? I may have to give that a shot myself!! Love, love, their breath in the air!
The sports shots are amazing. Love them!
I think they look very crisp and clear. the smoke around them is very cool. You could brun the edges to put the focus more on the players.
No cc here the football pictures color, focus and clarity are really nice I wish I could get that nice of a shot
I really like the first of the two snow shots and then the first of the football shots. It's really cool how you can see the steam coming off of them!
I really like your football pics. They really look great.
Snow shots--love that first one, with the emphasis on the bird feeder.
I'm not qualified for HHCC, or even CC for the football shots, but the capture of the steam rising from the players is really effective and really shows not only the temp outside, but the amount of effort they've been putting forth. Very nice!
I really like the first shot of the football team. The fact that you can see the steam from their body heat is freaking awesome! Great color too!
We did get some peaks of sun yesterday, today too! I think that might it for the next few days though by the looks of the forecast.
the first football one is really great!
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