I interacted with this flower today. I told it it was pretty and then said let's take a photo of you and then crop you and put some texture on you and add a little textured frame.

This is who I really interact with on a daily basis. With DH at work and the kids at school, Baxter and I spend our days together. I tell him he's pretty, too, and then I call him Dumbass. Here he is out on our walk together this afternoon. I think that's his favorite part of the day. Or maybe it's in the morning when DH gets out of bed and he hops up to cuddle me with his butt on DH's pillow. Do you think I can justify the expense of a fisheye lens just to get funny photos of Baxter's face?

And to answer a question some people had about my last post: that blue and green on the bottom is the color of the vase (it's clear on the stem).
You are too funny! I love that shot of the flower. The textures look great! Baxter is adorable, too!:)
Love this shot!!! Well actually both of them! I can so relate to the dog too...mine is my buddy while everyone is gone!
I loved this post. I feel the same thing sometimes, the cat is the only interaction I get, well and 2peas!
Ok, so take it from a gal who JUST got a fish eye today..YES!! Pretty flower pic, love what you did to it.
You CRACK me up girl!!! Too funny! And yes...you can TOTALLY get a fish eye just to photograph Baxter like those crazy pets at Hallmark!!!
Fishy Baxter! Yep! Maybe you should introduce the flower to the dog and see what kind of interaction you get?
I love your PP on the flower. Very cool.
I love your little conversation with the flower, and you should definately get a fish eye!
WOW! And the flower said back to you "oh yes please and thank you" ;) Lovely shots.
LOL! love your commentary. what you did with the flower shot is lovely. and just for the record i talk to everything i shoot too. and your dog is so cute. definitely need a fisheye for him :)
Both of these are wonderful! I love the texture on your flower, and what a cutie Baxter is! Of course you should get a fish-eye for his face! He looks very cooperative!
My favorite flower! So pretty
love the dog shot! my dd wants a dog so badly! love your use of textures too!
How funny!! Interacting with a flower and the dog :) LOL!!
OOhhh, a Border Collie. I used to have a Border Collie but I had to give her away and I miss her lots.
Your dog is so cute, but that flower is amazing!!!
These pictures are great shots with wonderful character. I cant totally feel the interaction here.
ROFLOL!! Your post cracked me up!! Love your sense of humor. The flower picture is gorgeous!!! Great job!
HAHAHAHA. I really love your humor. Oh my word! I really needed this post this morning Becky. You are like my cup of coffee.
I love the orange in the first photo. Did you get those from Hannaford? I saw those the other day and almost had to buy them. They are so bright and cheery. The doggy is so cute too. I can so relate to that comment!
Love love love the shot of Baxter!!! Too cute!!
ROFL! You sound like me, talking to things that don't talk back! That's how I get the answers I want, lol!
I just LOVE that flower shot- everything about it! And Baxter is a cutie! I definitely think you need a fisheye to do funny photos with him! (wink wink)
I like the texture and your shot of that flower - very nice!
oh my gosh..you are hilarious. i love the flower picture. it's gorgeous.
love this shot!
my puppy is my buddy too and i sometimes (though i hate to admit it) lOL call him the same bad name too! even though i am so in love!
cute pup!
these are great! definately thought of a fisheye when I saw the pic of Baxter!
LOL! Your journaling cracked me up! Love these shots... I especially like what you did to the first one!
too fun!! I love the textures you added!! Lovely job...
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