Another photo of the orange gerbera from the other day. The only photos I took today were of DD's track meet and they are so horrible.

Thanks for all your comments on yesterday's post. The chickadee photo was pure luck. If you click on it to make it bigger you'll see that the focus isn't sharp at all. I didn't use a tripod. I took the pictures through my sliding glass door with my 70-300 at 300mm. This past year I really started keeping lots of feeders filled and paying attention to what came and just parking myself to get photos. This is one of my favorite visitors from last spring:
Very pretty! I love the red bird.
Gorgeous flower shot! And the red bird is so cool! I'm going to put some feeders up this year and try to get some birds, although I think I've only seen bluebirds.
Wow! Amazing!!
Nice color on the red bird. I think I need to buy some flowers seeing all the shots with them makes me want spring. I keep a few bird feeders around to. I love when the hummingbirds are here. Only thing is we have to bring the Hummingbird feeders in at night so the bears dont come in our yard and get them.
I really love the daisy. Great photo!
Oh I just love the flower shot. THe color and detail are so beautiful.
I like the orange/blue color combo on that first one. Just beautiful.
I LOVE the flower, great color and composition.
Love that flower. That red bird os so pretty!
Love the flower shots...great light.
Ooo....what a beautiful bird. SO red. And I really love the flower too. Your colors are so so vibrant.
I really like your composition on that flower shot.
They are both beautiful and have great color!
WOW... im in love with that first shot and the colors.. great work.
ooh... that red just JUMPS off the page! He is so casually mischievous looking!
I like the background coloring in your gebera photo! Very neat!
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