DH was at work with his wedding ring on his finger, so I didn't get his in on the shot. :-D And I couldn't decide which photo to use, so you get both. Which do you prefer?
100 mm macro lens at SS1/25 F8.0 ISO 400

Same lens SS1/10 F10 ISO 400

I have another question. Back when I got married, most of us got yellow gold engagement and wedding rings, and now most everyone wears white gold or platinum. Do you think yellow gold will come back in style for engagement/wedding rings? Not that I feel the need to "upgrade" or anything (I have my fake-o big rocks for fun), just curious.
And to answer a couple of questions on yesterday's photos, I used a macro lens. And I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the yarn. I started a scarf, but I don't like the width, so I might start over. I like the idea of a baby wrap (Heather said she saw one with this yarn), but I don't know if it would be too itchy or if I have enough yarn for that. But I could do strips or blocks of different colors and sew them together maybe...hmmm. When I have a completed project I'll post a photo.