Here's a sunset shot from my favorite cow field. Would you clone out the barbed wire fence? It seems like it would be a lot of work to get it right and I didn't feel like it. :-)

Sometimes, as you know, I just like to snap a photo of something that amuses me. I don't know why this struck me funny the other night as we went through a McDonald's drive-through. (I know. So bad for you. Not to mention it gives you McBelly AKA Bubble Guts.)

There had to be some sauce abuse going on to warrant a sauce policy. Who do you suppose was in charge of drafting the sauce policy? Do you think there was a sauce policy task force? Did they use an algorithm to come up with these numbers? Is the sauce policy handed down from corporate headquarters or left to the discretion of the franchise owner?
Maybe we should get these folks to tackle the country's current economic crisis. Look how brilliantly they handled the sauce policy.
Sauce abuse...that was a good one..your photo is beautiful!!!
Sauce policy???!!! Never heard of that!!! So funny!!! Love your sunset shot!!
Love that first shot. Very pretty.
And as for the sauce policy...what's up with that? There must be a Sauce Nazi at your local McDonald's. No sauce for you!
OMG that is hysterical, a sauce policy!!!! Love the sunflower field and no I wouldn't clone it out, it adds a little to it.
Wow...that sun is incredible!
They really ration the sauces like that? Yikes.
First of all...the sunset picture is amazing!
And have got to be kidding me!!! That is hilarious! You should send that in to Jay Leno!!
That first shot is beautiful, I would leave the bit of fence! And the sauce policy cracks me up, so happy you had the camera with you so you were able to share it with us! :)
LOVE that sunset!
I for one, am not happy about the "sauce policy". It's ridiculous that your kid can't have two sauces with his mcnugget happy meal! And it's not like those stupid sauces cost them a lot of money... geez Ronald McDonald, lighten up! LOL
That is so funny and sad at the same time. How sad that Maccas needs to make sauce rules. Your sunset shots are lovely.
"No sauce for you!!" That's hilarious. Love your suset the colors are so beautiful.
I feel so sad for you that you can't hear my amazing music choices...I wonder if the sauce people can fix that...I mean if they can help the worlds sauce problems I am sure they can do anything. The song was "Morning Lullabies" by Ingrid Michaelson :)
love the sunset.
in europe they make you pay for all of your sauces
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