I finally got a chance to photograph our local falls with my tripod on hand to practice shutter speed differences with water. When I got there, though, the waterfall was more like a trickle. This is zoomed in to 300mm on one small area. Oh, and I shot in RAW for the first time!
ISO100 F9 SS1/640

ISO100 F45 SS1/20

I had to get another balloon festival shot in:
Nice cropping to make this really look like a torrential waterfall! Could of fooled me! I'm glad you're up and about a little more. Becky, you're going to love shooting RAW. It's really very versatile, and lets you have much more control over photos.
I am jealous of people with "local falls" but they are nice captures. ;)
Cool balloon reflection.
I really like the waterfall with the slower shutter speed! And that balloon reflection is so cool!
I've never used RAW, not sure how it even works or the purpose. Amy :)
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