Help me Rhonda, I got total payback for dressing up Baxter the other day. He got himself skunked right in the face late last night. At this point I think it would be easier to just move than to get rid of this smell. And it's supposed to rain for the next couple of days. Lovely.
Remember this leaf from the other day?

I think I was really lucky to find it when I did. I was out shopping and spotted it on the sidewalk. It was so colorful I thought it was one of those fake silk ones from the craft store I was standing near. I picked it up and took it to my car, plopped it onto the black jacket I had just bought for DD, and shot a photo with my point-and-shoot. Then I darkened the background in Photoshop. I must have grabbed it just as it fell off the tree, because it changed colors within a couple of hours and looked like this:

I love Mother Nature, except for skunks. Skunks suck.
So sorry Baxter had a meeting with a Skunk... I know how bad it smells... hope you can get rid of the smell soon!! Love your leaf shots!! Amazing how nature changes!!
Sorry about the skunk smell. Poor Baxter! The humiliation of dressing up and now this!
It's amazing how different the leaf looked a couple of hours later. Still pretty, but not as colorful as before!
Awww, poor Baxter! That stinks! (LITERALLY!) Have you done the tomato juice bath yet? That really does help.
And I am SO SO glad you did catch that leaf when you did! I had never seen anything like that, it was SO COOL. :)
Oh no...that has got to be THE WORST!!! I hope he's an outdoor dog! I've heard there are some good smell ridding remedies on-line! I hope it's gone soon!!
I think it's really cool how the leaf lost all that amazing color except for the green. It still looks tie-dyed, just in camo colors. ;-)
Even dried up it is still pretty. I am with you on this one Skunks suck. It seems like mine get skunked right after they go to the groomers.
Sorry to hear about Baxter and the skunk. And I'm lovin the leaf shots. What a cool find!
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