DH doesn't believe in dressing up dogs. I don't either (although I like to threaten to get a purse puppy to dress up just to make DH roll his eyes), but Halloween is different. So are hats, sunglasses, and reindeer ears, but other than that I totally don't believe in dressing up dogs. Oh, I forgot bandanas, holiday collars, and Christmas apparel. And those headbands with springy antennae and decorative accessories. Real dog clothes are just silly and ridiculous, though. :-D
My li'l pumpkin. I wanted him to be a chicken or a pig, but Target didn't have a costume big enough.
I love how he's so humiliated he won't even look at me:

Oh my Baxter doesn't look too happy about his costume!!! He looks like he wishes he could be anywhere but where he is at the moment!! Thanks for the smile - he is too cute!!
Poor Baxter lol! I love the lobster and the SpiderMan...anything that makes a dog look like it has legs is top notch in my book ;)
Please send Baxter to me! I won't humiliate him with those sill costumes. I have a skeleton costume that would look great! ;)
Oh my goodness. I'm cracking up here! Those are so hilarious. If only he could talk...what would he be saying.. Well, we probably can't repeat it! :) You're too funny!
OH that totally cracks me up that he won't look at you in any of them!
You are cracking me up!!! You got the cutest poor me expressions!! Soooo funny!!! Kiss that sweet puppy for me!!!
The lobster picture cracks me up! he looks so unimpressed.
LOL!!! Poor baby! So, do you let him answer the door with you and help pass out the treats?
Poor baby!
AWWW! I am seriously laughing SO HARD. Baxter sweetie, I am not laughing AT you, I'm laughing WITH you- you just aren't joining in. :)
My sister had a dachshund and dressed him as a hot dog one year- I so wish I had a pic of that!
Poor Baxter. My kids are sitting her LOL cause they thought it was Lucky and now they want to go to target and get him a costume. Love the new fall banner.
ROFL!!! He's so adorable and I love the journaling!
I can't believe you dress up your dog. THAT IS SOOO FUNNY!!! He is too could.
ROTFL!!! I haven't laughed that hard all week. Baxter is the cutest. I think him and my golden should get together because she gets tortured by her mommy in the same way.
The dog is looking so cute and funky in these Halloween costumes. Well, that Spiderman costume is my favorite.
I'm cracking up, how funny! What a good sport Baxter is to wear these costumes! :)
Btw, your header looks AWESOME!!!
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