I ordered the 40D! I've been saving and was not far away from having the whole amount when DH mentioned that Mother's Day was coming right up--that was all the encouragement I needed to place the order. It was scheduled to be delivered today. UPS comes to my house almost every day (work stuff for DH). They're almost always here around 12:30 p.m. RARELY later. But today, of course, here I sat, all day, waiting for the guy in brown to come. I had to leave to pick up DD at 4:30. Nobody else was home. I was gone 20 minutes. And of course guess what happened?

But wait--I called DH to whine and he suggested calling UPS and seeing if the driver could come back since it was just a few minutes earlier. And they told me I could pick it up at their distribution center. Yesssssssssssssssss! So at 7:30 p.m. I had it in my hands, and I took the above picture.
Now what should I save up for next? :-D
Oh no! Isn't that just how it always goes, lol?! I'm glad you have a distribution center close by so you could still get it! congrats, I can feel the excitement from your post! :)
Oh how exciting!!!! Have fun with your new camera! Can't wait to see all the new shots you are going to get with it!
Congrats! Isn't that how it is...you wait forever for something and then it comes when you can't be there. Irony isn't really funny! But great that you were able to pick it up and not have to wait until tomorrow. Have fun!!!
Congrats.. Enjoy your new toy. Let us know what you save for next. I am savign for the 24-70 2.8L
AWESOME!!!! Congrats on your new baby, how exciting! Can't wait to see what you 'shoot' with it! :)
Yea, Becky! Timing is everything! I think sometimes that the drivers wait to see us leave the house...they lurk, then pounce. Glad you got your baby! Were you already a Nikon girl? What were you shooting with?
Panic attack in the making. So glad you got it...congrats! Fun shot too.
That always happens to me!! I hate that. Glad you were able to pick it up and got to use it. I always love getting new toys.
I hate those notes lol,, but I'm so excited for you!! Congrats and I know you will enjoy!
Congrats. It is such a great camera and you will love it. It always seems to be that way with UPS. It can drive you insane!
You poor thing - tomorrow must seem like ages away.
OH I'm so happy that you got the new cam. I love my D40! Can't wait to view your up coming pic with it.
Congrats on your new camera!! Can't wait to see all the great pics you will take!! So cool that your first pic is of the UPS slip!! LOL! By the way, check my blog out... nominated you for an award... ;)
YAY for you! How exciting and fun!
congrats! yay for being able to go pick it up. have fun!!!
Nothing is easy, is it?? :) Glad you got your new camera...have fun!!
Congratulations, Becky! I hope you have lots of fun with your new camera; share all the new pix with us! My question about you as a 5th grader--I'm just wondering if you were a mischievous child!
Well now that you have the 40D you have to get all the yummy stuff to go with it...like the battery grip. I am so getting one of those...not because I really know that much about what it does, but because it makes me camera look bigger and more expensive. LOL. Just kidding! (kind of) I am saving for lenses. I am trying to hard not to blow it all.
We should get our 40D's together for a play date....
Yay 40d! Such an amazing camra...now go out and buy the 24-70L and ship it to me ;)
Congrats! This is on my "wish list" as well and I'm saving - you give me hope that it will happen!
Awesome! I am so glad you were able to get it! Have fun playing!
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