
It sure does fly. A recently scanned photo of DH and DS from 14 years ago.

Between looking at this photo and joining Facebook a couple of days ago and finding some high school and college friends, I'm feeling old and nostalgic. Speaking of Facebook, why does it make me nervous to request people as friends? I am such a weirdo.
That clock shot is awesome. Wow. I am addicted to facebook and have found tons of friends that I had lost touch with!
Great texture on your clock! And yes, time flies by! As for Facebook, be careful, it is addicting!
Great shot of the clock... I really love this style of photography..
Wow...what a cool shot. I'm not on Facebook nor plan to be for the sheer fact it will probably consume all my time.
Love the clock!
I haven't been able to request too many former friends on FB either. I keep thinking they will see my request and say "Who the heck is this?"
Cool clock! And I love looking at old photos!
Love the clock. Time sure does fly.
I love the clock shot! I like letting people find me on facebook instead of requesting them...I'm shy, lol!
I love finding old photos...they make me very wistful and nostalgic.
Love how you paired the clock image with and old photo. tfs
Brings a smile to your face, doesn't it.
Love your crop of the clock. Cool find with your older picture and getting it scanned. ~Jackie
love the clock shot! very nostalgic looking. sweet photo too.
Boy, I totally get what you're saying. Our parents warned us about it when we were young, and they were so right. Love your clock photo!
I peeked at your last entry, your new colored walls are beautiful. What color did you use?
Love that clock! Oh, and it's so amazing how time flies. That shot of your husband son is so cute!!!
I am a recent FB addict, too! I love finding old pics of my DH with the kids. And the clock shot is so cool. I need to remember to crop in close more often.
I am a recent FB addict, too! I love finding old pics of my DH with the kids. And the clock shot is so cool. I need to remember to crop in close more often.
Love the perspective on the clock!
The clock rocks...I love the crop on it. Such a sweet picture of your DS too. WOW...time does fly...seriously.
Becky...I know what you mean about adding friends on facebook. I always think I might get rejected. Isn't that so HIGH SCHOOL.
I love your new living room color too. Its very similar to ours in our living room too. Only, I think my whole house might fit into your living room. :P
The clock looks awesome! I feel weird requesting people too on Facebook! LOL! You can be my friend though! I won't reject you!
I love the photo of the clock, amazing shot!
Great photo of the clock, and I cna see how that older photo would make you nostalgic.
Whoa, whoa, whoa Becky joined facebook and I didnt know about it??? How could this be, must fix this immediately ;)
That clock picture rocks and the scanned picture must make you so nostalgic.
Love the clock shot, great composition! The photo of your ds and dh is very sweet!
I have a FB account, add me as a friend! I have the same photo on there as you see on my avatar. :)
I LOVE that 2nd shot and the clock!! So awesome!!
Hi, I love your clock shot and that lovely big loungeroom in your next post. I totally agree with your commenters (?) that FB is addicting. we have been on a while and you just keep going back!
Oh and I really like your fish eye photos
great job
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