Monday, January 26, 2009

My inaugural fashion

Do you like my new hat?


Reds said...

You look beautiful - hat or no hat! :)

janett said...

Ahahahaha! You look good channeling Aretha!

Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

That is very funny :)

Rachel @ The Little Blue Room said...


Becky Anderson said...

LOVE the hat. It's so you! :)

Diana said...

what a great hat!

CindyTykie said...

LOL The is perfect for you ;)

Margaret said...

LOL! LOL! LOL!!!!! That is tooooooo funny! I didn't really like it on Aretha, but on you....that's a different story! :)

Anonymous said...

Talk about some bling!

pat said...

Dahling, that is so you!! Now you can get some R E S P E C T!! Loved looking through your previous posts that I missed. LOL at the B&W vs Winter, and LOVE the Jupiter/Earth beads!!

Paper Playdate said...

Love the hat, lol!

Kristen Wagner Penn said...

Thanks for the laugh!! It looks cute!

Rachael said...

LOL!!! I love it!

Lacy said...

hahaha, yes...yes I do :)

Becca said...

Oh, that's too funny! You look fabulous! :)

Vanessa said...

hahaha, that is awesome!

Anonymous said...

You know Becky...I think its completely you. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! That's awesome!

shirley said...

LOL! How funny!

Amy said...

You look fetching! :)

My sister joined some group on facebook for people that like this hat. I found the hat to be a bit odd!

Lauren Hartman said...

LOL! I came over here to ask why you hadn't posted my pic as your PotD, but see that you made an EVEN BETTER one to share! LOVE IT!

Lou said...

Girl, Aretha ain't got nothin on you!