My favorite technology:

Best invention ever:

Yes, thumbs up to you, my spindly-legged, antennaed friend, for bringing me all the trashy TV shows I love anytime I want.

Speaking of technology, I had a PRIMO view of the inaugration...

...from my couch. Much as I'd have loved to experience the historic moments, just the thought of being in that crowd makes me feel all squirrely.
Wish Tivo existed here... :( Love the little thumb up! Great take on technology! And I watched the inauguration from work on the computer on CNN - what a memorable day!
Yup...I have to agree...TIVO is the best! I love it. I don't know how we ever lived without it!
LOVE it!!!!
Love the remote pic.
Lol..great shots! I love my dvr, too!
I had the same view as you did, there is no way I would want to be in that crowd. BTW I need to look up my pic's of Lucky there is one that looks like Baxter in the snow. Maybe they are related.
Heh, I love my DVR too. Although that little tv dude thingie is pretty cute.
Gotta love TiVo! Great idea for the theme. Hard to imagine life without the DVR!
Isn't technology the best. What kills me is that in less than a few years people will be: "tivo? dvr? what's that?" :) I loved having such a great view of the inauguration today too.
Yep. Me too.
Love the close up of the remote!
Love them! The remote control is a fantastic idea (idea-lifing here!)!
ha ha you made me laugh today =) I have tivo envy =)
I'm one of those people back in the 20th Century who does not have Tivo. Sad, I know. Love your shots, though. And love the shots of Baxter from yesterday, too! :)
Oh man...what i would not have GIVEN to be in that crowd:)
That is a good shot of President Obama, he looks so in thought.
ooh.... I'm all about tivo/dvr too!
Heyyyy, couldn't find an email link so I'll just respond on here! You should have a place where you "name" your blog seperate from your url name. I know where it is in typepad and squarespace but not blogger. Yours reads the same as your url but I'm pretty sure you can change it.
Somehow, I'm not surprised when we're on the same wavelength :)! I think I remember this particular look on his face, . . . was it just after the signing in? It looks like some relief/satisfaction flooded over him. I leapt from my couch and sang "Hallelujah!!!!!" as Bush took off in his helicopter. What a great day!
We just got DirectTV and I am enjoying it. The kids and DH are getting hooked on the DVR, too! Great captures.
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