Summer is...turning last year's walking sneakers into this year's lawnmowing sneakers.
Canon 40D with 24-70mm lens at 42mm
ISO200 F5.0 SS1/50Soft light layer, color pop action
Cropped, resized and USM for Web
I love mowing the lawn. I love the smell of fresh-cut grass and of gasoline, I love the neat lines it makes, I love the feeling of combining exercise with accomplishing a task, and I love jumping in the pool to cool off when I'm done. My kids don't love that I love it because when they mow, I actually pay them. I hate every other chore indoors or outdoors, but I love mowing the lawn.
That is awesome! I also LOVE the lines after a freshly cut lawn. I personally, have never mowed a lawn. Don't get me wrong...I do the other stuff like weedwack and garden and rake. But...machinery with a metal blade clearly is not for me. Haha
That is great!!! Can you mow my lawn...that is Riley's job...he never does it...drives me crazy!!! Great shot!
Oh my I can't believe you love mowing the lawn. You can come mow mine anytime. I've mowed a lawn ONE time yup ONLY one time and I'll be 33 in August.
Great shot!!
Great shot!
Oh! I love mowing the lawn, too. It's a job that actually stays done longer than a day. And, I recycle my walking shoes the same way...
I love how you set up this shot. I'm allergic, so no mowing for me :D
You have those too?? My lawn mowing shoes almost always get left outside in the rain before I get to them I bang them off.
what a great shot and take on the theme.
Great shot, I really like your composition! I've never mowed a lawn before, I'll have to try it sometime. I sure do like how a freshly mowed lawn looks. :)
Great shot, I really like your composition! I've never mowed a lawn before, I'll have to try it sometime. I sure do like how a freshly mowed lawn looks. :)
Cool shot.
You must be more . . . peaceful. . . than me. I personally love using a chainsaw, or hedge clippers, especially when I'm annoyed (ONLY ON BRANCHES and BUSHES!) But lawn mowing???? Nah. I'd have to pick up the dog poop first.
I love your photo of an every day (at least summer) slice of life. And one of these days you're going to inspire me to quit being so lazy and post my Exif data again!
ROFL! I am lucky to have a "gardener" who mows and weedeats my yard every week, and takes care of spraying my gardens for pests and keeps them weed-free too! I am so spoiled. :p
Great take on the summer theme!
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