DD thanks you for the compliments on her haircut. She hasn't said too much about her haircut other than it feels "weird" but she also told me she isn't having any regrets. I had DH take her to her appointment so they could have some special time together (not really, I just wanted to sleep in :-D) so I was surprised to see how much she decided to take off. I really love it! We think she has enough to donate to Locks of Love, but we have to check out the requirements because she's not sure if they take hair that's been color-treated, and she had highlights back in February.
And now for today's photos. Let's all point and laugh. I'll leave it up to you if you want to point and laugh at Baxter in his cone or me and my pathetic attempts at using flash. Baxter has a bit of an obsessive personality. And one of the things he's obsessed with is licking. He will lick your bare leg any chance he gets. He will lick your face if you're into that sort of thing. And he will lick himself to the point of skin infection if he's in an extra-obsessive frame of mind. A "leave yourself alone" in my voice usually does the trick to make him stop with the licking. He only listens to me saying that, though, which is weird because about all other matters he thumbs his nose at me (or he would if he had thumbs) and listens to DH. I wasn't watching carefully enough the other day. To make a long story longer, you can see his raw spot on his foot, and now he has to wear the cone. Which brings us to the pointing and laughing. He looks so embarrassed and offended.

Boy, that food bowl is really a mess. It needs a good scrubbing. In the meantime, it's funny watching him try to eat with the cone on.

What isn't funny is that he has figured out how to squish the cone against the floor, stick his tongue around it, and still lick his wound. It's also not funny that he constantly rams us in the legs with his cone and is banging into all the furniture and dinging it up. I'm pretty sure he's doing it on purpose because we laugh at him.
And because I'm not a good sport about this whole flash theme, I'm posting another pretty flower too.

Sorry for the long-winded post. Feel free to skip the words and just do the pointing and laughing at the photos.
Awww poor Baxter :( No pointing and laughing from me. For some reason I couldn't get on blogger yesterday, but I also think your daughters hair is too cute!
Aww poor baby. Onhly pointing and laughing at him trying to eat. Is Baxter and English Springer spaniel. My dad was once married to a woman that showed them and they were the sweetest dogs. but they all had OCD tendancies..
Aw poor doggie. My dog manages to thwart his cone and bite at himself anyway too. pretty flower too!!
Poor poor Baxter.
It is amusing to see them adjust to their cone, though isn't it?
OHMY that second shot has me in stitches!!! Too cute in a sad sort of way. Poor baby.
Poor Baxter - tried not to laugh... didn't work... sorry Baxter!! Great shots! :) Celine
OMGoodness...poor puppy (I can totally see how it would be impossible not to laugh though!!
Oh, he does look humiliated! Isn't it funny how they just know they're being ridiculed? Too funny in a pathetic sort of way!
Hahaha look at him!!! Since no one else would, I just had to. It does look pretty funny.
Poor Baxter. We had a springer who would do the same thing. No cones back then, we taped a tube sock on her paw.
Poor Baxter, he doesn't look too thrilled! Beautiful flower, I love the pretty pink!
Oh, poor little pooch! I won't point and laugh. Poor thing...
poor baxter. definitely getting the pointing and laughing from here--but only because i've had dogs in the same position. hopefully he'll heal quickly and get the cone off! :)
Oh, my goodness. Baxter, you're too much! Take it easy, buddy1
Becky, your entries always make me smile. I love your outlook on life. Baxter is a doll, cone or no cone, though I'm sorry he's got licking issues. Hopefully he'll let his wound heal and not mess up your furniture too terribly much!
Poor Baxter, that raw spot looks like it hurts! Hoope he heals quickly!
awww poor Baxter i hope he gets over is obssesive licking after this. Your DD looks very nive with short hair and hopefully you are able to donate her beautiul locks
Oh what a poor baby. That looks rough. We had that on both of our dogs at one point in their lives and it was not fun. Good shot though...
OH poor pup. On the poor pup note. We had a dog when I was young and he would get one flea and would itch him self raw , he would use anything to itch his back. Before you knew it near the end of his days it was a habbit and my mom would make something to cover his hind end do to it being hair less and raw. Maybe try a sock over his paw.
Great pic as always. I have a pic of my DD I like to know how to take something off her face could you e-mail me? lorimc78@yahoo.com
HAHAHAHA!!! I love that totally embarrassed look on Baxter's face! And the shot of him eating--all I can think of is "The Cone of Silence" from the old "Get Smart" TV show--I know, dating myself! Of course, gorgeous flower, B. Love it!!
Poor Baxter.... (and I only pointed and laughed a LITTLE bit, lol) I need some of those cones for my kids!
I actually think you did an awesome job with your flash, and poor Baxter! Damn....If only that worked for Mikki scratching her bug bites. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!
Poor, poor Cone Head. I don't know if this is true for Baxter, but my poor old dog was driving us nuts with all her licking and licking. Finally, we figured out from friends who been down similar paths that dogs often experience their doggy allergies in their skin, more so the older they get. All the vet treatments never did anything; what made a huge, huge difference was switching to a lamb and rice dog food, and never ever feeding poor Bonnie and human treats or snacks. None. It was very hard to do, but so much better than wounds, stinky licking, and the cone. Just thought I'd share. . .
Aww poor guy! Love the one of him trying to get to his food. ANd lovely flower.. oh so pretty! So are all of these in your yard?
Omygosh! What a funny story, poor boy! :) My hairdresser said it's ok to send hair into Locks of Love if it's been highlighted. It's the over over chemical ruined hair they can't use! :)
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