I'm editing my post to show my SOOC version of my photo because I forgot it was Photoshop before/after week when I first put it up. I used a Sepia action I bought from Photoblast on it because I don't know how to do my own conversions. I can do a little bit, like hue and saturation adjustments and warming or cooling filters and some cloning, but what I really want to learn is how to adjust part of an image and not the whole (like just skin tones or eyes, etc.) I've learned so much in the past year though that I know I can learn this too.

I love my hiking shoes. I love to tromp in the woods. I also love to walk outside in the wintertime, and these Yaktrax I keep on my hikers this time of year make it so I can still walk outside when it's snowy and icy and not be too scared I'm going to fall and break my head. (I still fall sometimes because I'm just plain clumsy.)
Settings: XT w/ 24-70 lens at F2.8 SS1/30 ISO 400. Ran a sepia action from Photoblast on it.
CC always welcome.
great conversion! (and compostion)
Very nice shot.
If you didn't tell me what this is, I might not have known!
But I love the conversion!
Very nice angle. What were the steps you followed for the sepia conversion? It had a very nice effect on the photo.
cool shot... and nice conversion!
Great closeup
Love the angle you took. Great job.
Love the shot, and the bw conversion. Toni
nice compostion and conversion!
Do you have the original for comparison? I like seeing the before and after shots. I do like this conversion.
Nice shot. I love the conversion. You captured some nice texture here.
Love the sepia tone and that you chose to capture a portion of the sneakers.
I really like the angle, pov, and dof with this shot. The dof could have been a little deeper IMO, but I think it still looks good. The conversion could use a little work though, this seems like a flat sepia conversion. I would love to see more contrast and a deeper brown for the sepia color. What conversion steps did you use? Again, I really love the composition, just play around with some different conversion techniques and this shot will be a winner.
The sepia action looks great!
Great composition. I need to get some of those yaktrax for my running shoes I hear they work great.
What a cool shot!
I like the unusual subject and perspective. The sepia fits just right.
Interesting subject and perspective. I like the conversion.
Great DOF and love the conversion! :)
Love this shot, and the sepia action looks great!
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