My attempt at a self-portrait. How the heck do you guys get good focus? Not that I'm going to try this too often because I hate being in front of the camera. And why when I made it my profile picture/avatar does it look so bad? I resized it. I think I'll change it back to Baxter. He's way cuter anyway. Usually I love CC, but in this case, please be kind. :-)

And since it's still word week, a theme picture. Story of my frickin' life. Sigh.
Hey I am with you on the weightwathers thing. I am siting here figuring out if I have nay points left for the day...
Glad to see your smiling face! Here's how I focused my self-portrait. I set a teddy bear on a stool in the spot where I was going to focused on that, switched the camera to manual focus, set the timer, sat in the spot and pulled a funny face (or smiled... sometimes!) I think I set the aperture to about 8 so I would have a larger depth of field.
I love to see your smile! So beautiful.
Chuckle.... You are beautiful. Love this post.
I was doing well on WW and fell off due to a few birthday cakes this week, now I'm struggling to get back on.
Does WW really work? I always wonder about it. I like your new self shot and hope you don't change your avatar back...nice to see a face with a name.
You are looking good to me. What a great smile!
Nice self portrait. I am right there with you on weight watchers it sucks huh
I think it looks great!! I had a hard time with the focus on my self portrait as well!! I know most of us like to be behind the camera but doesnt it feel good to get a great picture of yourself?
It's good to see you! I've always wondered about WW.... thought seriously about it a time or two, but never did it.
So good to see you! I hear you about your fricken life...I am right there with you!
the "story of my fricking life" made me laugh because that's totally me too....
Good job w/the self portrait :)
I can't figure out how to focus myself either, so it's not just you!
My sister did weightwatchers and lost 50 pounds. Stick with it, it works!
I almost never get in front of the camera myself, so I can't help any with the focus on self portraits.
I did take one today - but it was in a mirror.
WW is story of my life lately also!
I really like your self-portrait, I think you did great! My favorite WW yogurt is the black cherry, yum!
I really like your self-portrait; I hope you keep it as your avatar! Clever take on the theme, and WW SHOULD be the story of my life right now, so I admire your motivation to put it in practice right now.
I love your self portrait! You look like a happy,sweet person!!
Just like has been stated...focus on something in the place where you will be and make sure you set your aperture to a higher number.
I can't get self portraits in focus either :( I think you should keep the shot as your avatar. Even if it's a little OOF it's still you... and beautiful.
I like the focus on the yogurt container. cool shot. I feel you on the self portraits. I suck at the,. I might try again today though, because I'm having a moderately good hair day
that's a great self-portrait. you're beautiful. i have troubles with the focus too when i'm taking one.
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