I also want to note that I'm not one of those bandwagon-jumping Red Sox fans. I'm a New Englander, and I'm 40 years old, born in the year of the Impossible Dream team of 1967, so I was one of those fans who suffered through the 1978 Bucky-Bleeping-Dent, 1986 Bill-Bleeping-Buckner, and 2003 Aaron-Bleeping-Boone plays. The Sox winning the World Series in 2004 is right up there on my best-day-of-my life list. I know it's kind of pathetic, but I'm the child and grandchild of Red Sox fans--it's how I was raised.

Thanks for looking!
Great job with the white balance! Fun thing to shoot also!
Oh, my! I have a buddy who would go nuts for this hat!!!
Great color and way to keep with the theme.
I grew up in a house divided Grandmother and Brother were both .. GASP.... yankees fans, the rest of the family die hard Red Sox fans. Made for some interesting game watching. :)
Liz, have you disowned your brother? :-) I'm always convinced that New England kids who claim to be Yankee fans are just being contrary and rebellious.
Thanks for the comments, ladies!
What a cool hat! And awesome color for SOOC!
I can't believe I'm commenting on this because I'm a Yankee fan (who lives by Chicago, go figure)! LOL Just kidding. Love the hat with the hat.
Cool! That's awesome that you tried, but couldn't find it... and your DH found it and surprised you... what a sweetie!
Great color and focus! I was in Boston a couple of months ago, what a fun town.
great hat! and oh so colorful.
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