Cam went out to clean off the satellite dishes so we'd be up and running when the power came back on.
That's a four foot fence. The TV satellite is almost completely covered, and the internet one is caked with snow.
My dad always wants to know how much snow we got in the latest storm. It's always hard to tell when there's already snow on the ground. Last night we got this much (that's the light on my garage):
We think it was somewhere between 18 and 24 inches. My in-laws got 3 feet; they're 1-1/2 hours north of us.
Oh I am glad that is you guys and not us in MN :o) I am looking forward to green grass. Oh but in a way it does look fun!
That is a ton of snow!! Ok, I'll stop complaining about our 2 inches :)
That's a ton of snow! I'm jealous! :)
Yikes, all I want is one stupid inch of snow... I can't imagine that much snow and to know you can get that with any storm..
Wonderful job capturing the story
Wow, that's a serious amount of snow. You guys seem to be dealing well with it!
Wow, that IS suckish! I'm glad you got your power and internet back though... I would go crazy!!! LOL
im sorry that your power went out! but im glad that you guys got it back quickly. man i really wished it snowed here!
that's a LOT of snow! I would be licking the windows if I was stuck in all that.
I thought we got a lot! Wow! That's a wholla lotta snow you got!! ;)
Ahh...yeah...what sucks even MORE is that it was my turn to freaken shovel it! We got around 2 feet up hear I think...although it might as well have been 8 because at this point I have no where to put all this crap.
- that is my dream, snow is so rare here. We had snow last week only after they shot chemicals into the clouds to make it snow.
Most definitely falls in 'SUCKY' category. At least it sounds like you didn't spend too much time without power. Hopefully there is some fun buried in there for you as well.
Man that is alot of snow. Glad your power is back on.
Wow, you did get a lot of snow and I can't say I'm jealous! :) My friend called and told me Tahoe was getting dumped on and wasn't I missing it, it's so pretty...I had to smile and say NO! :) It sure makes for pretty pics though!
Yikes that is a lot of snow! When will it end,, when will it end! It snowed here last week to. Great shots!
You are buried!!!! I hope you have either great plows and snow removal, or get to stay in, toasty warm, and sipping the beverages of your choice.
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