Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? I'm a HUGE fan of Pat's (PatsPix) photos, and her water drops are the coolest. Here's my attempt, rain drops on my window. I like how you can see the screen in some of the drops.

DRebel XT w/ 100mm macro lens in AV mode, CWB
Adjusted contrast, hard light layer, cropped and sharpened for web
The screen is really cool! Especially when it is magnified in the drops.
These are too cool, I love the second one and where you can see the screen- neat shots!! Dont you just envy Pats?
These are really cool...that 2nd one is just awesome. I really love that play.
Pretty good! I love them on the screen!
Becky--I blush! These are wonderful! I love your focus and the fact that the screen shows up, and you have some seriously cool color going on, too. Not the easiest thing to get when you have to depend on what's outside the window. I really like the drop surrounded by white in the second shot. Can you crop in closer on that?
I like the color and feel the second one gives out.
You did a great job. I love where you can see the screen, too.
These are great! Thanks for the comment on my shower shot. You made me chckle :)
the 2nd one is cool how you can see the screen in the drop of water
VERY cool, I like the scattered drops.
The screen gives a very nice natural texture. Great shot!
Very cool, the screen in them is so cool.
These are so cool, I love the reflection in the drops!
These are wonderful shots. I love the detail. The second loving the second shot.
Wow- these are awesome. I love how the criss corss of the screen comes through. Your macros are always great.
Nice job! Those are very cool!
Niiiiiiiice... the 2nd one is really cool!
These are GREAT! I love the little "checkerboards" that the screen makes in the drops!
I'm a fan of Pats to - and now of yours! Great work!
That is really cool! I especially like the second one. Neat!
the detail in these is amazing
Very cool! I like the background color is both shots and the focus in the dropplets are great! I think my fav is the 2nd though. The PPing is really nice. As to bring out almost a rainbow of colors in the dropplets.
I love Pat's macros too! I think you took some beautiful shots here! I love the screen and the colors behind the drops!
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