First, let me address the Perfect Pushups. I had never actually used them, because they're DS's. In the interest of bringing you a personal testimonial, though, I went and tried them today. I did 1-1/2 pushups. And yup, I'm totally ripped now. You should see my guns.
Here's their website. now on to today's post.
How to enjoy life, by Baxter.
Go point at something. It doesn't matter if there's nothing there, you're a sporting breed. It looks impressive. Besides, your people think it's adorable:

Grab a tree by a branch and try to pull the whole thing out of the ground with your teeth. A hard-blowing wind makes it even more fun:

Run around the yard in circles and figure eights as fast as you can. Repeat multiple times:

When you get hot and tired from all that running around, go find one of the last patches of snow on the front lawn and lie down in it to get cool. Stick your tongue out, because your people think that's adorable too:

Go find your favorite boy and get some love:

Awww, what a cute puppy! I love the action shot of him! Just think, soon it will be shedding season!
Oh what a beautiful dog! Makes me miss my springer so much.
These are way fun shots- but that running in action shot is super!!!
that 3rd pic is great!!!
I really like shot #3, "on the run". Great photos! ML
LOVE LOVE all of these! The 2nd shot is so cute and awesome action shot with him running!!! Very pretty dog.
Awwww what a cute dog! Great shots.
Ok, it must be dog night,my post was about my dog too, lol. What a gorgeous dog. Love that one of him runnin and the one of him getting lovin'.
Becky, you nailed a dog's viewpoint. Love the shot of Baxter running--awesome action capture!
Baxter is a beautiful dog! Love the action you caught of him running in circles!
I think a must have accessory in Maine is a Springer Spaniel. But, I don't think I have ever seen any as pretty as yours. Wow. All of your shots of her are just amazing.
Do you think you will be joining everyone for the Maine photography get together this Spring?
What a sweet dog and that action shot is fantastic!
Your journaling on that push up thing has me cracking up. Oh, if ONLY it worked that way, eh?
That dog shot running is so fun!
LOL at the pushups... I wouldn't even be able to do ONE! I love the dog's perspective.... if only OUR lives were that simple huh?
LOL!! So now you have rock hard arms and pecs from your son's push-up thing!! ;) Love love love the shots of your dog in action!!
Love Baxter, and you are right he is totally adorable no matter what he is doing.
Such great action shots. If only life were that simple, huh? Oh, and good job on the push-ups ;) ha!
love your journaling here! love the running shot!
I like the shot of him running. He looks so carefree, well, so dog-like. Keep up with those pushups! One and a half a day and you'll be looking terrific in no time!
Love the action shot (3rd)! Great job!
Hi Becky, that is me in the reflection of the water drops. :)
those are the greatest action shots of a dog that i have seen!!!! super CUTE!
he's a great looking dog, what kind?
i just adore these! would make a great scrapbook page!
Love that third picture!
How cute, I love the one of him running!! Such a pretty dog!
He is beautiful! Springer spaniel, right?
Fun photos! What a cute dog, and the captions are great!
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