I was looking back at all my blog posts and reflecting on 2009. I'd have to say I'm most thankful to Medtronix, who manufactured the internal defibrillator that saved my dad's life this past summer. I know health care is a mess, but I'm so grateful that modern medicine has allowed me to spend more precious time with my dad. Unfortunately, my parents each lost a best friend this year, and we hope for a better 2010 for those families. Here at home, Cam turned 16 and got his license, then smashed up the car on icy roads three months later (no injuries, thank God). Delaney turned 13, so we became 'parents of teenagers'. We were able to take two family vacations this year, to New York City and to Canada. In October we welcomed some family members back to Maine after eight years away. I sold some photos. We got a new puppy.
Looking forward to 2010, we'll be welcoming two more nieces/nephews into the family. We thought one might make her appearance before the end of the year, but she has other plans. In 2010 Delaney will start high school, and Cam will be a senior and apply to college. My husband is going back to school to get a Certificate in Public Health. I'll be here, taking photos of flowers and dogs dressed up in silly outfits. Whatever else God decides to throw our way, we'll do that too.
So this is the second year in a row that I posted every day, with only one day this year without a photo. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to do it again in 2010. I'll see where the New Year takes me...
Happy New Year!!!