Look what wandered into our backyard while we were eating dinner yesterday. Strange to see a raccoon in broad daylight. He must have heard about the premium bird food I buy, because he was sampling the stuff that was scattered on the ground around the bird feeder.

As you can see, it was a very rainy day.
He looks so cute and innocent. Ha!
Nice work! He is so cute! Was he scrounging stuff off the ground, or did he find some way to rob the feeder?
Wow, now those are some puppy dog eyes if I ever saw some! He's trying to tell you to take him home and put him in a nice warm blanket! :)
He looks drenched, poor guy!
Aww he looks so pitiful all wet, too bad they are not as innocent as they look!!
Great shots! He looks drenched...did he go for a swim? Too bad their personalities aren't as cute as their faces, huh?
He looks so cute and sad! It's a really nice capture.
OMG he's so cute!! I want one of those visitors!!
Wouldn't want him in my backyard but he does look cute!!
Love the pictures. Those eyes are great.
We have lots of coons, but you're right - they usually don't venture out during the day.
Great capture! I won't tell my husband about this, or he'll bring back in the tray of birdseed I put on the ground. He's grumbling about the rabbits eating it and guarding his garden.
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