A graveyard shot:

It's a historic time around here. This is the very first political sign DH and I have ever had in our yard:

We know absolutely nothing about this person (not our district, actually). DH just stuck it in our yard because Cameron is our son's name. :-D
wow, that is an erie sceen, I love it!
LOL Love the story behind the sign. Nice sppoky grave stones
Cool graveyard!
LOL about the Cameron sign! I hope the politician isn't a low-down creep! But if she/he is, just claim it was a Halloween decoration!
Love the graveyard shot (nice contrast in light). And the political sign for your son is just too funny! May you be the mom of a state representative! :)
That Cameron sign is too funny. Love your graveyard shot, too.
That's a funny meaning behind a political sign. Sometimes it's better not to know who they are...
WOW! Great grave yard shot!
Shawna (shawkrem)
Great PP!
Definitely spooky. What kind of pping did you do on it?
I like your graveyard shot! And the Cameron sign is too funny. I have all my Halloween decorations in one part of the yard and my Obama sign in the other part of the yard. My Republican friend said the Obama sign should be next to the rest of the scary stuff. LOL!
LOVE those old monuments!!! So cool! And, what a funny story behind the sign.
Lol, I <3 you! That is the best reason to have a political sign in your yard ;)
You just had to mention Chocolate Rain didn't you...which led me to youtube, and looking up that led me to youtube john mayer...which led me to youtube michael cera(I love that kid)...and an hour just dissappears...
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